
MLHFormLynx 2023

MLHFormLynx is a GraphQL TypeScript backend designed to streamline the submission and management of MLH Fellowship application forms. This project offers an alternative to outsourcing form submissions by providing a NoSQL MongoDB database integration. With MLHFormLynx, MLH Fellowship can maintain control over their form data while benefiting from the flexibility and scalability of MongoDB.

  • WebsiteMLHFormLynx | Backend
  • SourceGitHub
  • TechmongoDBmongoDBmongoDBmongoDB
  • Features
    1. GraphQL API: Utilize a powerful and flexible API for querying and mutating MLH Fellowship application forms.
    2. TypeScript Integration: Leverage the benefits of TypeScript for static type checking and improved developer experience.
    3. NoSQL Database: Seamlessly store and manage application form data using MongoDB.
    4. Customizable: Modify and extend the schema and resolvers to match specific requirements.
    5. Easy Integration: Integrate the backend with existing or new frontend applications to provide a complete form submission solution.
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